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TOTAL PEACE – A dialogue among the

protagonists of a democratic Europe

On 24th of February 2021, the European Project “Total Peace” officially started. The project, which will be realized directly by the Peace Center of Forlì, belongs to the broader program “Europe for Citizens”. The project will last eighteen months and will “move” across six participating countries. The end is expected to be in August 2022.

“Total Peace” aims at increasing public awareness about what happened throughout the 20th century and led to the development and consolidation of a democratic pacific Europe, that is founded on dialogue, freedom and nonviolence.

The protagonists of this history are six historical figures, who opposed nonviolently to the totalitarian regimes of the 20th- century Europe.

In particular the events will focus on Celeste Caeiro for Portugal, Etty Hillesum for the Netherlands, Alexander Langer for Italy, Marek Edelman in representation of Poland and Vaclav Havel in Czech Republic’s and, finally, Federica Monteseny for Spain.

The life, deeds, thoughts and writings of these important characters will be remembered through symbolic events, organized in the countries taking part in the project by their respective associations. They will reaffirm not only the importance of the historical memory of the European people, but also that this is still a reminder for our present.

Not only the choice of the historical characters but also the dates chosen for the events are fundamental to highlight the most crucial 'moments' for the democracies of the European Union: for instance, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Labour Day and the International Peace Day.

Starting in April, the events will be held both online and in presence and will be open to all citizens: especially to young people, on whom there will be a particular focus, to keep the memory of Europe alive.

The “forerunner” will be Portugal, followed by Italy in September. Besides the Peace Center of Forlì, the associations taking part in the project are: Associação de Exilados Políticos Portugueses (Carcavelos, Portugal), Filharmonie Hradec Králové o.p.s. (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic), Centrum Dialogu imienia Marka Edelmana (Łódź, Poland), Ayutamiento de Quart de Poblet (Quart de Poblet, Spain), Global Human Rights Defence (The Netherlands).





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