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YOUTH EXCHANGE Peacebuilding as an added skill for Young Europeans

"The diversity of diversity" project

From 24 to 30 September 2017, the youth exchange called "Erasmus Plus, Peacebuilding as an added skill for young Europeans" took place at the Peace Center in Forlì, involving 40 young people from five European countries, Italy and Spain respectively. , Portugal, Romania and France.

During the six  days of the course, the young participants had  the opportunity to investigate issues such as conflict management through nonviolent modalities, peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding interventions and analyze  the different phases of conflict resolution through simulated exercises. 

Cycle of three projections  at the Peace Center, at 20:30:

November 20, 2017 " La  Bélier family "

27 November 2017 " Stars on Earth "

4 December 2017  "It can be done"

a moment of reflection and sharing of ideas is foreseen.

Popcorn and soft drinks will be distributed during the screening.

On Sunday 3 December the first International Aperitif was held at the Peace Center, designed to create a moment of sharing and knowledge between the different realities of Forlì.  Many have decided to share dishes from different parts of the world including: Spain, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Senegal, Mali, Gambia, Togo, Georgia, Austria, France, and also dishes from different regions of Italy.  Right from the start, people started introducing themselves and getting to know each other, taking an interest in the dishes cooked by others, or simply asking about the other's country of origin. All crowned by live music that made the atmosphere pleasant and familiar.

Cineforum on LGBTQI rights with the collaboration of UN SECCO NO and AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL

Cycle of three screenings at the Peace Center:

April 5, 2017 "PRIDE"

27 April 2017 "FREEHELD"


Dialogues on the right and the reverse of humanity: TRAFFICKING, TORTURE, PEACE
Peace March of Romagna

Cycle of three appointments at the Peace Center:


Wednesday, 22 February 2017 (8.45 pm)
"The reverse of human rights": trafficking

Friday, 17 March 2017 (8.45 pm)
"The reverse of human rights": torture

Friday, 24 March 2017 (8.45 pm)
"Turning the world upside down": the question of peace

Organization of the Romagna Peace March "La Forlì-Bertinoro" 17 September 2017


0543 20218


+39 3278622022

Where we are:

Via Andrelini 59

47121 Forli (FC)

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