Fridays for future
"Centro per la Pace" participated last Friday at a strike, which was organised by the organisation "Fridays for future", against climate change. We gathered in Forlì at the Piazzale della Vittoria, where we started the strike around a quarter to ten o'clock.
We made a banner especially for this strike with which we wanted to share our message.
"to those who refuse wars"
"to those who refuse weapons"
"to those who refuse violence"
The strike ran through Forlì and ended at the University of Bologna-Campus Forlì.
On the campus of Forlì speeches were held to explain why climate change is a worrying problem in our society and what we can do about it. Raffaele Barbiero, the founder of "Centro per la Pace", also gave a speech about this topic like many teachers of the campus itself.